Category Archives: Poem Collection

All the Poem wrote by me and taken from another people

After the Sunset

It was a scene of romance and novelty
A panorama of love full of sincerity
The scene of sweet dreams, yet a sad memory
This placed witnessed how I fell in love with thee

I was looking at the sunset
When I heard a voice at the back of me
Isn’t this a wonderful place to be?
You blasted a smile and sat beside me.

From then on you and I became friends
You shared your life I shared mine too
We laugh and we cry
We watch the sun as it goes by

But suddenly something happened that changed everything
For when I’m with you, I started to feel something
The more I tell my self, We’re just friends
The more my heart hopes for a love to happen.

So one day came when I finally broke it
I wasn’t suppose to say, but I told you about it
The three magical words that hoped for something
The three magical words destroyed everything

You hated me for what I said
You walked out and said our friendship is dead
So while the skies turned from orange to dark blue
I was crying my hurt out for you.

Now here I am again hoping to forget
In everything I told you, I had lots of regret
And at this very moment, as the sun sat down so quiet
I was left here all alone after the sunset

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Posted by on December 8, 2011 in Poem Collection



When God set the world in place,
when He hung the stars up in space,
when He made the land and the sea,
then He made you and me.
He sat back and saw all that was good,
He saw things to be as they should.
Just one more blessing He had in store;
He created a mother, but whatever for?
He knew a mother would have a special place
to shine His reflection on her child’s face.

A mother will walk the extra mile
just to see her children smile.
She’ll work her fingers to the bone
to make a house into a home.
A mother is there to teach and guide,
a mother will stay right by your side.

She’ll be there through your pain and strife,
she’ll stay constant in your life.
A mother will lend a helping hand
until you have the strength to stand.
She’ll pick you up when you are down,
when you need a friend she’ll stick around.

A mother is one who listens well,
will keep her word; will never tell.
A mother never pokes or pries
but stands quietly by your side,
giving you the strength you need,
encouraging you to succeed.

A mother is one who can be strong
when you need someone to lean on.
You’re more than a mother to me;
a reflection of Him in your face I see,
a love that knows no boundaries.

I’m glad that you chose to be
all this and more to me.
You share a love that knows no end,
you’re more than my mother,
you are my friend.

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Posted by on November 24, 2011 in Poem Collection



Who can Give us so Much Grace and Mercy….
Who can Stand by us so Faithfully, Despite all the wrongs that we do….

No One Else can….
No One Else can be so Patient and Loving like Him..
No One Else can Sacrifice so Much for us like Him…
No One Else can Sacrifice His Own Son for us Like Him

And its all Because of His Love for us..
So that we Would Not Perish..
But Live With Him for All Eternity…


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Posted by on November 21, 2011 in Poem Collection



Disaatku tak mampu berdiri diatas kakiku sendiri
Siapa yang mampu tuk menopangku ?
Hanya Engkau ya ALLAHku yang mampu melakukan  yang terbaik
Tiada yang mustahil bagiMU
Tiada yang sepertiMU dengan panjang sabar mengasihiku
Walau kerap kali aku menyakiti hatiMu
Namun Engkau tidak pernah menolakku
Disaat aku berseru dan datang kepadaMU

Kerinduan hatiku tuk bisa tetap tinggal didalamMU
Namun aku sering kali keluar dari zona yang sudah ada
Aku berjalan mengikuti langkah kakiku
Meski aku tahu terkadang aku sudah salah melangkah
Ku ikuti kata hati dengan permainan si iblis
Yang berusaha menjauhkanku dariMU ya Tuhan

Namun ketika ku tersadar, aku menangis
Aku menyesal telah melukai hatiMU
Aku merasa tidak layak dan pantas
Tuk menerima pengampunan dan belas kasihanMU
Aku diperdaya, aku lemah, imanku lemah
Aku  ingin ENGKAU senantiasa berada di dalam hati dan pikiran ini
Agar tak sedikit waktupun tersisa untuk si iblis

Kerinduanku kepadaMU ya Tuhan
Jadikanlah aku menjadi lilin dikegelapan
Ijinkanlah aku tuk melakukan semua aktifitas dengan baik
Berikanlah aku hikmat untuk melakukan tugasku
Karena ku tau aku tak pernah sanggup melakukannya sendirian
Hanya Engkau yang mampu melakukannya untukku.

Hatiku berterima kasih kepadaMU
Atas semua yang telah kuterima dari padaMU
Ajarku senantiasa tuk bersyukur kepadaMU
Karena Engkaulah Allah yang layak disembah
Allahku yang luar biasa.

[ created by : Rose Sagita Samosir ]

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Posted by on November 20, 2011 in Poem Collection


If God has a refrigerator

If God had a refrigerator
your picture will be on it.
If He had a wallet, your photo
would be on it.

He sends you flowers every spring
and a sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk,
He’ll listen.

He can live anywhere in
the universe, and
He chose your heart.
What about the Christmas
gift He sent you in
Bethlehem, not to mention
that Friday at Calvary?

Face it friend. He’s crazy about you.

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Posted by on November 18, 2011 in Poem Collection


God said “no”

i asked God to take away my pride
and God said “No”
He said its for him to take away
but for me to give up

i asked God to grant me patience
and God said “No”
he said patience is a by-product of tribulation
it is not granted it is earned

i asked God to give me happiness
and God said “No”
he said he gave me blessings
and happiness is up to me

i asked God to spare me pain
but He said “No”
he said suffering draws you apart from the world
and brings you closer to me

i asked God to make my spirit grow
and god said “No”
he said i must grow on my own
but he will prune it to make me fruitful

i asked God if he Loved me
and he said
he gave me His son to die for me
so i could be free

i asked God to help me
love others
as much as HE loves me
and he said” ah finally you have the idea”….

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Posted by on September 17, 2011 in Poem Collection



I haven’t done anything good to you
Have given nothing but tears in your eyes
I have made your heart broken,
Not only once but many times
As much as I come back to you
Pleading to clinch me
Yearnings to heed u say
All over again that you love me

You never fail me
Open arms you have welcomed me
And speak softly; you love me more than I do love you
Not only once but many times
As much as I ask for forgiveness
As much as the rain drops on the grass land
As much as the bang of your heart
How great is your love,
The endless rim of your mercy
It embraces all the worst in me.

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Posted by on September 10, 2011 in Poem Collection



by ~amygarigale

Your not who you think you are
you look down upon yourself,
You always fall before the sun rises
you fight in the dark, You always try,
but you always fall before you hit the sun.

I am your guardian angel the one who wants to
see you rise, see you shine with the sun
see who you really are in the light.

How can you judge yourself in the dark
if you never see yourself in the sun,
Then how can you know who you really are.

All the time your so hard upon yourself,
You beat yourself down because you think
your a failure but i got news for you,
you got it in you and i believe in you.

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Posted by on June 7, 2011 in Poem Collection


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Our Father knows what’s best for us,
So why should we complain …
We always want the sunshine,
But He knows there must be rain.

We love the sound of laughter
And the merriment of cheer;
But our hearts would lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear.

Our Father tests us often
With suffering and with sorrow;
He tests us, not to punish us,
But to help us meet tomorrow.

For growing trees are strengthened
When they withstand the storm;
And the sharp cut of the chisel
Gives the marble grace and form.

God never hurts us needlessly,
And He never wastes our pain;
For every loss He sends to us
Is followed by rich gain.

And when we count the blessings
That God has so freely sent;
We will find no cause for murmuring
And no time to lament.

For Our Father loves His children,
And to Him all things are plain;
So He never sends us pleasure
When the soul’s deep need is pain.

So whenever we are troubled,
And when everything goes wrong,
It is just God working in us
To make our spirits strong.


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Posted by on June 4, 2011 in Poem Collection


Heaven’s Grocery Store

I was walking down life’s highway
a long, long time ago.
One day I saw a sign that read,
As I got a little closer, the door opened wide,
and I found myself standing inside.

I saw a host of ANGELS.
They were standing everywhere.
One handed me a basket and said,
“My Child, shop with care.”

Everything a human needed
was in that grocery store.
And if you couldn’t carry it all,
you could come back the next day for more.

First, I got some PATIENCE.
LOVE was in the same row.
Further down was UNDERSTANDING,
you need that everywhere you go.

I got a box or two of WISDOM,
a bag or two of FAITH.
I just couldn’t miss the HOLY GHOST,
for it was all over the place.

I stopped to get some STRENGTH and COURAGE
By then my basket was getting full,
but I remembered I needed some GRACE.

I didn’t forget SALVATION,
for SALVATION was free.
So I tried to get enough of that
to save both you and me.

Then I started up to the counter
to pay my grocery bill.
For I thought I had everything
to do the MASTER’S will.

As I went up the aisle, I saw PRAYER;
and I just had to put that in,
for I knew when I stepped outside,
I would run into sin.

PEACE and JOY were plentiful;
they were last on the shelf.
SONG and PRAISE were hanging near,
so I just helped myself.

Then I said to the angel,
“Now, how much do I owe?”
He smiled again and said, “MY CHILD,

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Posted by on April 18, 2011 in Poem Collection