Daily Archives: May 1, 2010

Letting Your Soul Walk You

“We may have huge problems, large struggles, and massive difficulties in our lives, but if we let that smart, little dog that is our soul take the lead they will all fall behind us. That smart, little dog will lead our hearts, minds, and lives right where they need to go. That smart, little dog will lead us back home to joy, love, and God…”

I had an enlightening and humorous experience walking my dogs this morning. It was a crisp, Spring day full of life and energy. My four dogs seemed to feel it as well. Each one of them was delightfully sniffing the air and bouncing around me as we walked. Then as I was about to head back toward the house with them our Saint Bernard, Buddy and our tiny Labrador mix, Pepper both decided that it was the perfect time for a game of chase. Before I knew it my legs were wrapped up tight with the dog leashes from these two running in circles around me. Thankfully, I was able to drop the leashes before I ended up on the ground. As I bent down to pick up the leashes again, however, my tiniest dog, Julie decided to give me a little help. She grabbed Buddy’s leash in her mouth and headed for the door. I looked on with laughter as my 10 pound Pekinese Poodle walked our 160 pound Saint Bernard back home.

In addition to giving me a good laugh this sight also got me to thinking. If a little dog like that can take the leash of a giant sized one and lead him in the right direction then there is no reason why all of us can’t take the leash on our own lives and start walking them on the path of love and joy again. Sure we may have huge problems, large struggles, and massive difficulties in our lives, but if we let that smart, little dog that is our soul take the lead they will all fall behind us. That smart, little dog will lead our hearts, minds, and lives right where they need to go. That smart, little dog will lead us back home to joy, love, and God.

Let your soul lead you in the right direction then and all of your life will follow you happily. Let your soul walk you down the path of love, joy, and oneness with God and your journey home will always be a delightful one even if you do get tangled in the leash from time to time.

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Posted by on May 1, 2010 in Renungan


If God Should Go On Strike

How is it that God above Has never gone on strike
Because he was not treated fair
In things He didn’t like.

If only once He’d given up,
And said, ‘That’s it, I’m through!
I’ve had enough of those on earth,
So this is what I’ll do;

I’ll give my orders to the sun –
‘Cut off the heat supply!’
And to the moon – ‘Give no more
Light, and run the ocean dry.’

Then just to make things really tough
And put the pressures on,
‘Turn off the vital oxygen
Till every breath is gone!’

You know, He would be justified
If fairness was the game.
For no one has been abused
Or met with more disdain

Than God, any yet He carries on
Supplying you and me
With all the favors of His grace
And everything for free.

Men say they want a better deal
And so on strike they go.
But what a deal we’ve given
To God to whom all things we owe.

We don’t care whom we hurt
To gain the things we like.
But what a mess we’d all be in
If God should go on strike!

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Posted by on May 1, 2010 in Poem Collection